Slash Pay: The One App You Need?

The Indian market is evolving and so is the case of the Indian Payment System. It has evolved from cash to cheques to NEFT, RTGS etc and currently the two most common and convenient sources preferred over traditional ones are IMPS and UPI. These two are at a stage where other methods at this point are not even considered a preferred option (apart from some edge cases).

Money, who doesn’t want their money back, imagine telling a person a decade ago that you can transfer funds directly into their bank accounts without going anywhere they won’t believe you instead they will think that either you’re a fraud or a scammer. But if you showed them that it is possible it would a magical moment for the person and that is how much our payment system has evolved turning magic into reality. And all this has been possible because of the UPI gateway because you only need either the other person’s number or a QR code to send/receive money and that’s it. 

Today we’re going to discuss a new player in the market with the vision of taking the hassle out of this system and trying to evolve the system to be as easy as sharing pics and trying to make the already advanced system a little bit more privacy oriented. Their idea is to eliminate the need to share private info like mobile numbers to exchange funds. 

Slash Pay : 

Their approach in building slash is a “democratized payments platform that will forever change how you view money, a pivotal part of modern society” which means they want to create a platform easily accessible to the masses which will change the way we view and handle money.

If we talk about what Slash is offering to the end user, it is a quite simple and minimalistic approach which distinguishes it from what others have to offer and makes it one of the best user experiences one can deliver. Being a minimalistic person, I like their approach of keeping everything quite simple, and straightforward with a clutter-free user experience. 

The app itself is quite user-friendly with all the basics done right. Rating the experience from setting up the app to making a payment is quite splendid. The app is an easy go-to solution for all the non-tech-savvy people who find it difficult to navigate through the menus and don’t want any kind of hassle while making payments.

After trying different flavours of UPI apps available in the market I always ended up using Gpay as my main go-to app, because it was easy and convenient to use with all the nifty features one can provide but now while reviewing slash pay the switch was modest and effortless that I found it to be handier than Gpay.

Why Slassh Pay?

One of the important and unique things that slash offers to the table is “Slash tags”, a username followed by a slash symbol “/” which they regard as a slash tag can eliminate the need of sharing your phone number with anyone because all the users using the slash app only requires a slash tag to make payment, while for others not using slash can keep on using phone numbers. These slash tags are permanent once created and can’t be modified once set on the initial set-up page. Isn’t this a unique way of transferring funds?

If we take a dive into what the app has to offer then it does not have many features but has done its homework well on all the fundamentals a payment app should contain and is mastering them already. When we open the app, we directly land on the “pay” page where we have to select the amount before paying and if we go ahead with the payment process it will ask for the sender/receiver’s details before going on to the UPI pin page if paying the money. 

The next page is quite an interesting one to look at, as it is the “explore” section where we can find different brands or companies using slash for business purposes and we can order from their online store directly linked to the slash app only. Shopping made easy, right?

The next tab is the “history” tab where you can check all your past transaction records as the name suggests, and the last fourth and final tab is the “profile” page where all the settings related to our profile are available.

Slash also has a premium feature too which gives you extra features such as profile insights, social tree etc which is of no cost and totally a free premium upgrade, all you have to do to gain access to it is to just keep slashing. 

But as the old saying goes that every coin has two sides and the same is the case with slash too, till now we were discussing one side of slash only but now we will take a dive into the other side of the coin too. Slash pay might be fast and snappy but in terms of functionality it lacks behind its competitors as it doesn’t have a vast majority of services linked with it apart from the basic UPI id or QR transaction, for instance, you can not recharge your mobile or pay any kind of bill or top up your fastag balance etc. which makes it difficult for a person to fully migrate to this app as one might have to go back and forth to one of the apps used earlier for these handy transactions. And if you’re wondering the app is even free from all the so-called rewards and doesn’t have any reward points program included in it. 

Sometimes, in an already fantastic system, you need someone or something to be a breath of freshness to change the way the game is being played without interfering with existing rules and that breath of freshness in the UPI industry is “Slash Pay” with the potential to change the perspective of how we handle our money.

Winding Up 

The app is already near perfect with its light green theme symbolising the freshness and potential it has for budding, all it needs is to slowly add all the remaining pieces of the puzzle and bazinga the app is ready to take over the market and can be perfect on stop solution for everyone, especially the gen z and the non-tech-savvy peeps out there.

Slash Pay – Send, Spend, Shop and Split.

Share your thoughts below if you too are slashing, Peace out!!

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